We thank God for your generous heart.

Be part of the church God is rising up to bring revival to His land once again.

Make a Donation


The heart of our church is missions and we always help families in India, and missionary families who have re-located themselves to serve the kingdom in a foreign land. We are always open to help those who spread the gospel and families in need abroad.


Church Growth

Every department has its unique project and function just like the body of Christ. We are all different but work together as one. Every year we intend to invest more and more in our departments such as Lagoinha Kids and Youth and many more. This allows us to grow our work and increase the capability of serving the community better.


We love investing in those who like to serve the Kingdom. From Welcome team to Worship, we have leaders who take time to invest and help live a purpose driven life in serving the community whole hearted. Donations are often invested in these small projects that have big results.


Expanding the vision

It's been 4 years and we have planted a few churches around the United Kingdom. But our vision does not stop there. We intend to go to every corner of this land and serve its people as we serve the Kingdom of God. Donations are often invested in the rentals and expansions of opening new locations of our church.


Everything we do at Lagoinha London is made possible by your giving – thank you.